Entries by Kirky Galt

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The Essentials of Commercial Real Estate Website Copywriting: How to Engage and Convert

With the average online attention span shorter than ever, commercial real estate executives face a formidable challenge: capturing interest and conveying value within moments of a visitor landing on their website. As the stakes are high and competition is fierce, how can you ensure your website grabs attention and holds it, guiding prospects from curiosity […]


Authority in CRE = Trust + Relationships = New Deals

How do authority, trust, and enduring relationships influence the ability to close new contracts and drive growth? In the science of the CRE industry, the strongest bonds are those formed through authority, trust, and relationships. This powerful formula propels businesses forward and cultivates fertile ground for enduring partnerships and lucrative opportunities. Let’s examine the synergy […]

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Top 10 Commercial Real Estate Marketing Hacks to Grow Your Corporate CRE Business

In the fiercely competitive commercial real estate arena, distinguishing your corporate business is imperative. As the digital landscape evolves and client expectations shift, traditional marketing methods no longer suffice. Today’s CRE professionals must employ innovative, strategic marketing hacks to capture attention and cultivate trust, demonstrate value, and forge meaningful connections. This guide counts down from […]

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What Do You Stand For? Crafting A CRE Brand Message That Resonates

In an environment where every commercial real estate firm is vying for attention, a distinctive brand message does more than communicate — it connects, resonates, and distinguishes your firm as a leader committed to values that matter. This strategic alignment with your target audience’s values, alongside broader societal and industry standards, elevates your firm from […]

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Don’t Trust Your CRE Public Relations Content (or Your Brand) to AI

As digital advancements redefine boundaries, artificial intelligence (AI) is taking ground in various sectors, including the commercial real estate industry. While AI offers groundbreaking tools for data analysis and operational efficiency, entrusting it with your public-facing content is a significant risk to your brand, operations, and revenue. This article digs deeper into why the human […]

Breaking Out Of A Middle-Class Mindset | Charlie Hardage | H&K Investment Group

In this episode of RE EXEC TL, we chat with Charlie Hardage, Co-founder of H&K Investment Group. Charlie discusses transitioning from military and IT sales to real estate, embracing risks, and investing in multifamily properties. He highlights tailoring strategies to investor needs, the significance of communication, and navigating challenges in a volatile market. Join us […]

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Empowering Marketing Success in CRE: The Dynamic Duo of Written Content and Public Relations

Successful marketing strategies for commercial real estate firms increasingly rely on the dual powerhouses of the written word and public relations. In a digital landscape where presence and perception govern success, these elements stand out as vital for differentiating CRE firms, building trust, and establishing a strong brand presence. Let’s dig into why these tools […]


Building Lasting Influence: The Long-Term Journey of Thought Leadership and Public Relations

Thought leadership and public relations are integral components of a successful marketing strategy, especially in industries like commercial real estate, where trust and expertise are paramount. Unlike traditional advertising or short-term marketing campaigns, thought leadership and PR represent a commitment to long-term growth and brand building. Let’s explore why these strategies are not overnight ventures […]