Our comprehensive guide covers the secrets to effective commercial real estate website copywriting. Learn how to engage visitors, articulate your value proposition, and convert prospects into loyal clients through strategic content, SEO, and CRO techniques. Elevate your online presence and drive success in the competitive CRE market.

With the average online attention span shorter than ever, commercial real estate executives face a formidable challenge: capturing interest and conveying value within moments of a visitor landing on their website. As the stakes are high and competition is fierce, how can you ensure your website grabs attention and holds it, guiding prospects from curiosity to conversion?

This guide presents a blueprint for CRE website copywriting success, offering proven strategies to overcome common pitfalls and unlock the potential of your online presence to secure leads and drive growth.


The three pillars of compelling CRE website copy


Clarifying what you do

Your website’s homepage should immediately communicate your firm’s core services, focusing on the solutions to the industry’s most pressing challenges. Utilize case studies and project highlights to demonstrate your expertise in action, showing prospective clients the direct impact of your services on similar businesses. This clarifies your offerings and showcases the outcomes clients can expect, making your value proposition tangible and compelling.


Identifying who it’s for

Detailing the specific market segments you serve ensures visitors can quickly determine if your offering meets their needs. This includes specifying whether you cater to large-scale investors, boutique developers, or specialize in particular asset classes, such as commercial offices, retail spaces, or last-mile. By directly addressing your intended audience, you create a sense of exclusivity and relevance, encouraging visitors to engage further with your content.


Showcasing why you’re the best solution

Differentiation in the CRE market goes beyond listing services; it’s about highlighting what makes your approach unique. Discuss your firm’s adoption of cutting-edge technology, commitment to sustainable development, or bespoke consultancy services that tailor solutions to each client’s specific needs. Incorporating testimonials, industry awards, and certifications can further cement your firm’s reputation as a leader in the field, persuading clients of your unmatched expertise and service quality.


Articulating the value proposition


Your firm’s value proposition should be evident in every aspect of your website, from service descriptions to the ‘About Us’ page. This cohesive message reinforces your firm’s strengths and the unique benefits of your services, distinguishing your brand in a crowded marketplace. Highlighting your firm’s commitment to innovation, client success, and market leadership can resonate deeply with prospective clients, aligning with their aspirations and challenges.


Structuring website content strategically


Engagement and conversion

Beyond the initial engagement, your website must retain visitor interest and guide them toward a conversion action. This involves crafting content that answers potential clients’ questions, addresses their concerns, and highlights the benefits of choosing your firm. Interactive elements like virtual tours of properties, interactive maps, or calculators for investment returns can significantly enhance engagement, providing a more immersive experience that encourages visitors to take the next step.


Rapport and credibility

Establishing a connection with your audience is crucial for building trust. Your website should reflect a brand voice that is authoritative yet approachable, offering insights into market trends, investment tips, or regulatory changes through a regularly updated blog or news section. This positions your firm as a knowledgeable authority in CRE and a trusted advisor that clients can rely on for up-to-date information and guidance.


Mapping the prospect/client journey

Articulate the prospect’s or client’s journey to illustrate the ‘bridge’ you’ll build to take them from where they are to where they want to be.

Clearly outlining the process of working with your firm, from initial inquiry to project completion, demystifies the client journey, setting clear expectations. This narrative should highlight your firm’s commitment to client satisfaction at every stage, emphasizing personalized service, regular updates, and a collaborative approach to decision-making.


Addressing logistical details


Incorporating detailed information about the services you provide, the geographic regions you cover, and how clients can engage with your firm is essential for setting clear expectations. This includes outlining the types of projects you undertake, any specialization in particular CRE sectors, and the specific services offered, from property management to investment advisory. Providing clear, actionable steps for initiating a partnership or project with your firm reduces barriers to engagement, making it easier for potential clients to start a conversation with you.


Enhancing copy with SEO and CRO


SEO tactics

Effective SEO involves more than keyword research and integration — creating content that speaks directly to your audience’s needs and interests. This can include in-depth articles on market analysis, investment strategies, or emerging trends in CRE, improving your search engine ranking and providing legitimate value to your audience.


Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) techniques

Optimizing your website for conversions requires clearly understanding your audience’s behavior and preferences. This might involve A/B testing different CTA placements, refining the messaging on landing pages, or simplifying the contact form process to minimize friction and encourage action.


Improving user experience (UX) through design and copywriting


Complemented by strategic copy, a user-friendly website design significantly enhances the visitor experience, encouraging longer stays and deeper engagement. Navigation should be intuitive, with a clear menu structure and easy access to crucial information. Crosslinking between pages, especially from the homepage to other internal pages, supports organic search rankings and helps visitors discover more about your services, team, and successful projects, enriching their understanding of your firm.


Leveraging visuals and media


Incorporating visuals such as high-quality images, videos, and infographics can break up text-heavy pages, making complex information more digestible and engaging. Videos, in particular, offer a dynamic way to present client testimonials, showcase properties, and share insights from your team, adding a personal touch that can significantly enhance the connection with your audience.


Regular evaluation and refinement


The digital landscape and client expectations constantly evolve, making regular evaluation and refinement of your website content necessary. Utilizing analytics to understand visitor behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns allows you to continuously optimize your site for better performance, ensuring it remains a powerful tool for attracting and converting clients in the CRE market.


Establishing your presence


Effective commercial real estate website copywriting is a strategic endeavor that promotes engagement, highlights unique value propositions, and transitions prospects into committed clients. Applying these detailed principles allows CRE executives to present their expertise and offerings and nurture impactful relationships with their audience.

In the digital era, where first impressions are predominantly online, prioritizing superior website copywriting is a fundamental strategy for achieving growth and establishing a credible and broad presence in the commercial real estate industry.

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Real Estate Website Copywriting

There’s no more significant contributor to the success of your website than informative, credible, and logical copywriting. While a picture paints a thousand words, it’s challenging to deliver a clear message based on images solely.

In this article, we address the best advice and practices for real estate copywriting for your website that sets a positive tone for successful interactions with your prospects – and more closings.


1. Hire a Specialist in Real Estate and a Dedicated Copywriting Agency

As you’re likely a specialist in your field, I’m sure the point here is apparent: choose a writer – as you would any other modern professional – based on their expertise as it relates to your industry and niche.

In this case, we’re talking about the real estate industry: the complexity of the real estate field in terms of technical, financial, regulatory, and other types of knowledge, provides good evidence for the need of vendors that have specific experience and insight.

An agency centered on direct response copywriting provides superior copy compared to a generalist marketing agency, especially one that doesn’t focus exclusively on real estate industry products and services.


2. Employ Proper Grammar

Professional quality grammar is essential. The key is to express your message concisely using the appropriate grammatical structures for your language. Minor variations in punctuation attributable to vernacular usage and creative license in design won’t negatively impact your marketing.

However, content with poor syntax, misspellings, and passive voice pushes educated website visitors to bounce (make a fast exit) quickly. Technically strong professional and scholastic writing requires at least a bachelor’s or graduate-level education – expect to pay professional rates for educated writers capable of writing in active voice.


3. Focus on SEO and Site Speed Optimization

SEO optimized copywriting is an essential part of your online marketing strategy. The structure of your website and the words used to compose the content capture search engine and user attention.

Properly optimized sites perform better in SERPs and provide an enhanced user experience. Keyword and SEO optimization naturally make your content clearer, concise, and more focused on the specific prospects and results you’re seeking.

Speed optimization is also critical. Your site should load entirely in less than 4 seconds. Much longer than this and you’ll exceed the patience – and lose the respect – of users and search engines. Even websites with otherwise perfect optimization and high domain authority (DA) are penalized in ranking due to slow site loading.

Here are some areas where you have opportunities to optimize your site structure and content for best SEO performance:

  • Optimized page meta title, keywords, and description with CTA for search engine users.
  • One H1 heading per page that includes primary keywords.
  • Include relevant keywords in Alt image tags and file names.
  • Target an organic keyword density of 0.5-3%.
  • Write for relevance based on Latent Semantic Index (LSI) keywords.
  • Include keyword variations in most headings.
  • Avoid all black-hat SEO techniques – keyword stuffing, link schemes, et al. – or get penalized by search engines.

Keep it running fast by:

  • Hosting your website on a dedicated server.
  • Use server caching to store images of pages for faster loading.
  • Optimize, scale, and compress images to reduce loading time.
  • Use a content distribution network (CDN) to reduce server load and speed up response times.
  • Minify CSS and JavaScript.


4. Compelling and Subtle CTAs Interwoven

The most practical way to get someone – anyone – to do anything, is to ask. Even if your copy meets all the conventional criteria (e.g., catching attention, informing, generating desire, and driving action), it will fall short in conversions if you don’t specifically ask the prospect to take an action and let them know how to do it.

As vital as the CTA (call to action) is, its tactful delivery is as crucial as its inclusion.

A respectful, informational, personal, and confident tone inspires a like-kind response.

The CTA is most effective when the message – the benefit and the action you desire ­– is interwoven into the thesis, narrative, and conclusion of the piece, whether it be long or short-form; blog or email.

By the time the prospect has finished reading your piece, it should be obvious why to select your solution and what to do next – if your message is clear and what you offer meets their needs.


5. Focus on Usability and Trust

It looks great, loads fast, and expresses a compelling message, but nobody calls, clicks, or opts-in! What’s the issue?

It may be that your website is difficult or unpleasant for prospects to use and read. Building trust – an essential factor in conversion – necessitates a customer-centric user experience and transparent, easy-to-process marketing materials.

  • Optimize for mobile browsers.
  • Leave plenty of white (negative) space for an open and modern look that’s easy on the eye.
  • Use larger fonts and focus on a concise message that commands attention and encourages retention.
  • Extraneous content increases bounce rates and obscures your message.
  • Respect your audience’s intelligence. Tailor your tone and delivery appropriately.
  • Do not use cliché sales writing techniques or formatting.
  • Moderate and minimize the use of colloquialisms, slang, and industry jargon according to the audience (e.g., B2B vs B2C, local vs regional, and demo/psychographics).
  • Avoid excessive use of Bold, Italics, Red, and other colors.
  • Present all content as business correspondence and informational prose rather than marketing materials.
  • Present your information logically and allow the reader to draw the sensible conclusion, i.e., don’t tell them you’re ‘the best,’ show them through your insight and professional web presence.
  • Use a friendly, personal, and professional tone.
  • Avoid demanding, condescending, insulting, demeaning, derogatory, and any other socially or culturally insensitive language.
  • Keep your message objective. Don’t offend your prospect with subjective or personal statements.
  • Understand your audience. Focus on speaking directly to prospect needs and eliminate all content that doesn’t support and harmonize with that message.


Pulling the Project Together

How else can you optimize the website design and copywriting process?

By working with marketing professionals with an active approach to project management and campaign implementation: those with whom you can communicate efficiently, professionally, and rely on to push toward milestones.

Collaborate with specialists that deliver the most experience, value, and results. Rely on educated writers that know your industry and have professional active-voice writing skills. To ensure that your new or existing site receives traffic from relevant prospects, optimize your copy and site structure for high-traffic keywords and topics.

Don’t forget about site speed, or your site will get left behind – literally. And, get what you want by establishing yourself and your firm as credible experts and then asking your prospect to take action, with clear directions. Furthermore, save your prospects’ time and nerves by offering simple navigation, appealing design, and easy to absorb content.

Take these tips and apply them to build a more effective website in less time.

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